Friday 15 February 2013

Bombing of Pearl Habour

The United States of America had a naval base at Pearl Harbor  Pearl Harbor is located in Hawaii which is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and America. From there, American warships could be sent to stop Japan from attacking countries in Southeast Asia, To make sure that this did not happen, Japan bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. A few battleships were hit and they sank within minutes. Within two hours, bout 2,000 Americans lost their lives as they were taken by surprise and were not able to defend themselves. So, They were angry with the Japanese and declared war on Japan and Joined the Allied Forces the next day. So, from this event, I felt that I'm still not ready and could be attacked by surprise by the Japanese like this event. Because of that, I felt very unsure if I would survive the war.

This is how Pearl Harbor looks like when it is being bombed :

Book : Ministry of Education, Singapore (2007) Interacting with Our World : Singapore Under Foreign
            Rule. Singapore.Marshall Cavendish Education

Picture :

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