Saturday 16 February 2013

The Japanese Surrender

At last, the Japanese surrendered. They surrendered because of the atomic bombs the USA dropped on their two cities. On 15 August 1945, the Japanese Emperor announced the end of the war on the people of Japan . Two days later, we heard over the radio that Japan had surrendered. Upon hearing about the Japanese surrender, there is much anxiety and uncertainly among us. I thought that they had done a very good job on protecting the world from threats like this. I felt grateful to the allied forces as they freed our country from the Japanese. But the bad thing is that some people who are not considerate cause chaos in Singapore before the British return. They looted shops, especially those owned by the Japanese, and they take revenge on the informers who had helped the Japanese during the war. The informers are scared and went into hiding. Some managed to escape while others were caught and killed. This sent a shiver down my spine. On 28 August 1945, Allied warplanes dropped leaflets from the air informing the prisoners-of-war in Singapore that the war had finally ended. The POW s were happy to receive news of the end of war. I felt happy that the war is over! I think this would be a good time to live in peace.

This is how the leaflets look like :

I don't really know if this is the real one.

Book : Ministry of Education, Singapore (2007) Interacting with Our World : Singapore Under Foreign
            Rule. Marshall Cavendish Education

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